Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Lettuce
The juice of lettuce, when mixed with rose oil and applied to the forehead, can help ease headache and even aid a sound and restful sleep.
Lettuce, being high in dietary fiber, aids digestion and is good for those suffering from constipation.
Lettuce has been associated with reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and cataracts. This mainly results from the presence of beta-carotene, the chief disease-fighting nutrient, in the salad.
Since lettuce is pretty low in calories, it makes the perfect snack for those trying to lose weight.
Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which is known to help prevent neural-tube birth defects in the beginning stages of pregnancy.
It is believed that consumption of lettuce might help one get over nervous insomnia, as it contains a sleep-inducing substance.