The social networking site Facebook puts its users abreast of the activities of their contacts, but also can be a poison for relationships and, as revealed in a recent study, is increasing jealousy and tensions between their supporters. "Facebook has become pervasive, especially among the age group of our study," said Muise. "Therefore, having a presence on the network can be an important aspect of our social life". "The social networking site Facebook environment normalizes share information about us and access information from others, including our partners. And do not belong to the group may seem socially very risky. Facebook is nothing but a false world where people login just to take their anger out on others without actually doing or saying anything in person. Things get way out of hand when there is no imediate consequece for "trash talk" behind a keyboard. I just decided to delete my facebook account due to the fact that my fiance and I are about to separate because of facebook. She never deletes anyone off of her friends list which creats an idea to her exs that she still has feelings for them. She goes on saying "oh their just my friends". But you cant really be sure what their motive is trying to still be your friend. If i offend anyone by saying this im sorry. But as a guy i understand that most guys think with the lower half of their body and will say and do anything to satisfy their craving. In the real world we dont comment on the cute girl we see walking by due to the fact that she is with her boyfriend. Why? Because in real life we understand that it is wrong .
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