Honey is considered the only food to contain all the substances necessary for sustaining life. Honey was the most used medicine in ancient Egypt. During World War I, honey mixed with cod liver oil was used to treat the wounds of soldiers. Honey also finds mention in the Muslim holy book, the Koran. The great Napoleon used the bee as a symbol of his empire.
Scientific research proves that honey is a wonderful food. Let me give you one example. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, reported in March 2004 that daily consumption of raw honey might raise polyphenolic antioxidant levels in blood and reduce the risk of damage by free radicals. This simply means that honey improves the immune system.
However, pregnant women should not take unpasteurized honey. Also, make sure that you buy only cold-pressed honey. Heated honey contains additives, so it may not retain its healing properties.
Benefits of Honey
Honey has sedative properties.
It is anti-fungal and nourishing.
It soothes tissues and helps retain calcium in the body.
Honey is an antibacterial, great for both internal and external problems.
It is considered to be the Swiss army knife in the world of alternative medicine.
Honey can boost the immune system.
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