* Now we'll do listening exercise.
I want you to listen to (a) part on a conversation.
Now we'll listen to an extract from a news bulletin.
Your job is to listen to a section of a dialogue.
*Before you listen,...
What could this dialogue/conversation be about?
What do you think this recording will be about?
*Now listen again and this time...
Fill of all,listen to the whole text.
Now I'll re-read the text in small sections.
I'll read each section twice,with a short speed.
Listen and make small correctios.
Now you have five minutes to check it through.
Now check your version agianst the original.
*Listen and take note.
Write a summary of the lecture.
Write a one-page summary on the basic of your notes.
Give an oral report on what happened in the meeting.
Ajchara 3EN 051